Vae Solis

The Band, on the astonishingly dark stage - The Boat Race, Cambridge - Vae Solis

Vae Solis's motto, Thrashtaculus in Extremis, should give you an idea of just how noisy this band is.

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Kiran (drums) - The Boat Race, Cambridge - Vae Solis Kiran (drums) - The Boat Race, Cambridge - Vae Solis Baz (guitar, vocals) - The Boat Race, Cambridge - Vae Solis Jayanta (guitar, backing vocals) - The Boat Race, Cambridge - Vae Solis The Boat Race, Cambridge - Vae Solis The Boat Race, Cambridge - Vae Solis The crowd - The Boat Race, Cambridge - Vae Solis The Boat Race, Cambridge - Vae Solis Matt (bass) - The Boat Race, Cambridge - Vae Solis Matt (bass, hair) - The Boat Race, Cambridge - Vae Solis
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